Friday, October 4, 2019

Love: The Princess has Arrived

The thoughts that went through my head after seeing a positive pregnancy test, because my husband could not wait until I was able to get another Mirena.  Oh, because my first Mirena CAME out and my doctor told us to wait until my next cycle to get another.  That was a Monday and Tuesday is when I got pregnant!

       Thoughts: What am I suppose to do with another baby? I am still enjoying my son and won't be able to devote my attention to him with another baby!  That means we will have to pay for TWO babies in daycare! OMG, double formula and diapers!!!

Yea, so I was pregnant and even my husband was in denial about it. I am going to tell ya that he was the blame for it for about half the pregnancy.  Well actually, he still is the blame (LOL).  I made a doctors appointment which would not be until January 4th. I would have to go through Christmas and New Years before knowing if I was for sure pregnant.  But once you have been pregnant once, you pretty much know the symptoms and all to know that you're pregnant without the ultrasound.  I was extremely nauseous and sick but had to play it off because I did not want anyone at work knowing.

So my appointment day has arrived and we both went to the appointment to see up close and personal if there was a little bean in my belly.  Yep! There was and boy did my anxiety go up again!  I just did not know what I was going to do with a baby on my hip and in my belly.  Carter wasn't even one yet, and here I was pregnant with a second one.  The plan was to wait at least 3-4 years and try for another.  However, God has a nice sense of humor and gave me unofficial twins that I always dreamed of having.  Some may even call it Irish Twins because they are so close together in age or same age for small period of time.

I still wanted to keep the pregnancy a secret because again I had anxiety that I would miscarry before my cerclage would be placed.  Oh and by the way, my doctor scheduled my cerclage in I believe March so that I could keep this little bean inside the entire nine months.  Once good thing about just going through this whole process is that I knew what to expect and I was more calm as far as my day to day interactions.  I sat down when I needed to and slept when i felt tired.  Every pain did not alarm me and handling my toddler was not so bad with the help of my husband.

We found out we were having a girl and THAT was the day where I truly accepted the fact that I was having another baby!! My husband could not believe he was having a girl because all we had at the moment were boys!! I was rejoiceful because both of my angels came back into my life!! It was an overwhelming and emotional time for me because again, God timing is just what you need as long as you have faith and wait.

Now, being pregnant with my princess was very different than my prince only because the morning sickness did not leave until about month 7 only to return in month 8 and 9.  I was shaped differently and my mood was more on edge as far as my patience with others.


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